
Team Lead Visual Design/PR "The dedicated neko trying to make the world a better place for everyone to enjoy!"

Artist YouTuber/Cosplayer "Adopted my lovely neko KUKU 6 years ago and now creating artworks for KIKI!"

Artist "Meowsterious Catfood Hunter" "BEEN LIVING IN A METAVERSE SINCE 2007 WHEN HATSUNE MIKU WAS BORN!!!"

Community Lead Director of Brand Management - Entertainment "You can be one thing and also the opposite, you can be everything you want!"

Solidity Dev Web Dev "KAI IS HERE! SAVE US!"

Marketing Lead "The Goddess of Collaborations" "I am gonna be the next NFT Influencer!"

Lead Mod "Discord Newbie" Foodie, Sleepy, Collectors "I am friendly and approachable. Love to check chat log 24/7."

Alpha Team Content Creator Cosplayer "Games/NFT/Hip-hop/🏸/Detective/Design Sharing Ideas about Crypto!"